Friday, October 18, 2019

Enabling pg_stat_statements for PostgreSQL Database System Tuning and Analysis

To facilitate PostgreSQL database system performance tuning and analysis, we ought to collect query statistics, such as, the amount of time that a query takes. For this, we should enable pg_stat_statements extension. The following shows the steps on a Fedora Linux system:

  1. Install the postgresql-contrib package. In the system shell, run command

    sudo yum install postgresql-contrib

  2. Create pg_stat_statements extension for the database whose query performance we wish to analyze, e.g., we wish to tune performance for database template1,

    echo "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;" | psql -U postgres template1

  3. Enable query statistics collection by editing $PGDATA/postgresql.conf where PGDATA is where the database is, e.g.,
    # Loading the extension
    shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
    # Increase the max size of the query strings that the database system records
    track_activity_query_size = 2048
    # Track all statements including those generated by stored procedures
    pg_stat_statements.track = all
    # Log queries that run more than 1000 milliseconds. 
    log_min_duration_statement = 1000
  4. Restart the database server, i.e.,
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql

1 comment:

  1. improve PostgreSQL performance

    improve PostgreSQL performance NadeemAsrar's - Get the Postgres database consulting solutions service for improving PostgreSQL performance tuning. NadeemAsrar is a senior database technologist for database software management.
