Monday, January 16, 2023

Creating and Starting KVM Virtual Machine: Basic Steps

This is just a note for docummenting the basic steps to create and start KVM virtual machines on Linux systems

  1. Make a plan for virtual machine resources. For this, we should query host resources.
        # show available disk spaces
        df -h
        # show available memory
        free -m
        # CPUs
  2. Assume we are installing an Ubuntu server system. We shall download the ISO image for the system, e.g.,
        wget \
          -O /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-22.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso
  3. Create a virtual disk for the virtual machine, e.g.,
        sudo truncate --size=10240M /var/lib/libvirt/images/officeservice.img
  4. Decide how we should configure the virtual machine network. First, we query existing ones:
        virsh --connect qemu:///system  net-list --all
  5. Now create a virtual machine and set up Ubuntu Linux on it, e.g.,
        sudo virt-install --name ubuntu \
        --description 'Ubuntu Server LTS' \
        --ram 4096 \
        --vcpus 2 \
        --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/officeservice.img,size=10 \
        --osinfo detect=on,name=ubuntu-lts-latest \
        --network network=default \
        --graphics vnc,listen=,port=5901 \
        --cdrom /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu-22.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso  \
        --noautoconsole \
        --connect qemu:///system
  6. Suppose that you connect to Linux host via ssh via a Windows host. We cannot directly access the console of the virtual machine (that is at via VNC). In this case, we tunnel to the Linux host (assume its host name is LinuxHost) from the Windows host:
        ssh -L 15901:localhost:5901 LinuxHost
  7. We can now access the control via a VNC Viewer at the Windows host at localhost:15901.
  8. Once Ubuntu installation is over, we would lose the VNC connectivity. But, we can list the virtual machine created.
        sudo virsh --connect qemu:///system list --all
  9. To start the virtual machine, we run
        sudo virsh --connect qemu:///system  start ubuntu
  10. To make the virtual machine to start when we boot the host, set the virtual machine to be autostart, e.g.,
    	virsh --connect qemu:///system autostart ubuntu



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